Due to its landmark position on the seafront Pip and Jim’s Church has been exposed
to the salt and storms since 1856 and needs ongoing urgent repairs.
With our major, phased Heritage Restoration Project we want to ensure that this
important and prominent building at the entrance of Ilfracombe Harbour is fit for
multi-purpose use and safe for future generations of our local community.
Thanks to the generosity of so many of you, intensive fundraising and grant funding,
we are very pleased to report that the damage to the stonework and pointing on the
Tower and Nave has now been repaired at a cost of £90,000.
Our next step is repairing the stained glass and stonework of our wonderful West Wall window.
We need to raise in the region of £600,000
We need your help to save Pip and Jim’s. Thank you.
To make a one off donation by bank transfer please use the following details:
Account name: Lloyds Bank Plc
Bank branch address: 17 Cross Street, Barnstaple, Devon EX31 1BE
Account Number: 00112499
Sort code: 30 - 94 - 52
Reference: WWR
If you are a taxpayer, please consider making a Gift Aid declaration.